Wednesday 15th November 2023

Industries & Audiences

L/O - To research the history, companies & regulators 
in the Television Industry


1) Publicly owned TV Channel - Funded by government & license fees for the public service.

2) Commercial TV Channel - Funded through advertising.

3) Convergence - Process of joining different technologies into one device. E.G mobile phone

4) Watershed - Times when adult content (15+) can be shown. Between 9PM & 5:30AM

5) Segmented Market - Dividing your target audience into appropriate groups depending on their tastes and/or interests 

6) Mainstream - Mass audience; the ideas, attitudes or activities that are shared by most people and regarded as normal or conventional.

7) Self-regulating - Not regulated by outside bodies

8) Franchise - License from company of a product to use format/show/ideas.

9) Channel-surfing - Changing frequently from one programme to another on a television, watching each one for only a short time.

10) PSB - Public service broadcasting; regulators demand channels fulfil certain requirements as part of their license to broadcast

11) TV License - Any household or business watching, recording live broadcasts require to pay a license fee. Funds the BBC.

12) Scheduling - Deciding which shows to watch at what time

13) Conglomerate - A company that owns several smaller businesses whose products or services are usually very different

1) TV was introduced in the UK in 1936

2) In 1965 there were 3 TV Channels

3) ITV started on 22nd September 1955

4) UK channels that have to follow PSB remits are BBC 1, BBC 2, Channel 3, 4 and 5.

5) UK TV is regulated by OfCom

6) TV was regulated by 


Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Television Industries - 
Ownership & Regulation:

L/O - To explore the ownership and 
regulation of BBC 1 and ITV.

Ofcom regulates the TV and Radio broadcasting in the UK. OfCom is able to fine broadcasters if they don't fit the remit. OfCom carries out regular reviews to make sure; BBC, ITV, Channel 3 & 4 follow their PSB Requirements. 

Public Service Broadcasting means for the benefit of the public. The BBC has a strict remit to follow, other terrestrial tv channels also have a remit to follow but not as strict as BBC.

The BBC is controlled by a board of 12 - 14 people. The BBC is granted a license to broadcast by royal charter which has to be renewed every 11 years. 

1) BBC's Mission, vision & Values:

Our mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain".
    • AUDIENCES are at the heart of everything we do
    • CREATIVITY is the lifeblood of our organisation
    • TRUST is the foundation of the BBC - we’re independent, impartial and truthful
    • We RESPECT each other - we’re kind, and we champion inclusivity
    • We are ACCOUNTABLE and deliver work of the highest quality
    • We are ONE BBC - we collaborate, learn and grow together
  • To provide impartial news and information to help people understand  and engage with the world around them
  • To support learning for people of all ages
  • To show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services
  • To reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of  the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom
  • To reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world

1) Number & Names of TV Channels:

5 Channels - ITV 1, ITV 2, ITV 3, ITV 4, ITVBE

2) Our purpose is to entertain and connect with millions of people in the UK and globally, reflecting and shaping culture and building brands with brilliant content and creativity. This is aligned to our 2026 strategic vision, to be a leader in UK advertiser-funded streaming and an expanding global force in content.

3) Streaming Service, commercial partnerships, subscription, pay, original production & distribution. 

4) .

Wednesday 13th December 2023

TV Audiences:

L/O - To explore how audiences consume 
TV Dramas and the appeals

Make a list of all different ways to
 watch a TV Programme today -

- TV
- Phones (apps)
- Streaming
- Ipad
- Computer
- Laptop 
- Record it

Reasons why we watch live TV:

- Feels like you're actually there
- Interacting with the show
- Second Screening

A passive audience is very naive and believes everything they are told and are easily influenced to believe things that are likely lies.

An active audience are not very naive and will research about things on social media. They will tend to question things they are told and will interpret things differently. 

What Sub-genres can TV Drama be sorted into?

- Crime Drama - Criminal Minds 
- Period Drama - Downtown Abbey 
- Teen Drama - Ginny and Georgia 
- Medical Drama - Chicago Med 
- Sci-Fi Drama -  Stranger Things
- Fantasy Drama - Game of Thrones
- Political Drama - West Wings

Wednesday 10th January 2024

The 1960s:

L/O - Research the social, historical & political 
context of The Avengers.

5 Key moments 1961 - 1965

- Berlin wall was built 
- The UK became a member of the OECD
- Marilyn Monroe's death 
- The internet was invented 
- The civil rights act was passed
- cold war
- The contraceptive pill was approved

Social & Political Context:

1) Who were the most famous bands?

The Beatles, rolling stones, donovan

2) Which political party was in charge in 1965?


3) Were illegal drugs a big part of culture?

Yes, many people were taking drugs

4) What wars were being fought around the world?

Vietnam war, the cold war

5) What were people protesting about in the UK? 

The anti-Vietnam war movement, civil rights movement, the women's liberation movement

6) How was life different in the 1960s for women, men and different races compared to now in the UK?

Women faced widespread discrimination and were payed less than men.

Cold War:

The state of hostility between the soviet block and the western powers after WWII. In 1965 the concerns about the cold war were high Britain and America was worried about attacks. Europe was split into two parts. Threat of nuclear war. 

Both sides of the war used Espionage to find out what the other side was up too and they planted false evidence. Some double agents were found guilty of being a spy and they were either defected or imprisoned, meaning that espionage was a common theme in films or shows.

Wednesday 17th January 2024

The Avengers:

L/O - Research the TV Show Avengers

1) ITV, later ITV ABC Produced the Avengers show
2) Aimed at a mainstream adult audience, and teenagers
3) The first episode aired on 7th January 1961
4) 6 seasons
5) The last episode aired 17th May 1969 (UK), 21 April 1969 (US)
6) $56,000 was the budget for each episode on season 4

Colour TV came in 1963.

- Became one of ITVs biggest hits

8)Have much higher production values, could edit, 

9) Patrick Macnee - John Steed, Diana Rigg - Emma Peel

The avengers was scheduled on Saturdays at 9:05pm - peak time to attract a mass audience. 

The 4th season attracted audience. 

Wednesday 24th January 2024

Do Now: List everything remembered about 1960s avengers

- Became one of ITVs biggest hits
- Scheduled on Saturdays at 9pm
- 6 Seasons
- First ep was in 1961
- Last ep was in 1969

The Avengers - The town of no return

L/O - To explore the narrative, characters and appeal of Season 4 Episode 1

Main Characters:

- John Steed
- Mrs Emma Peel

- Piggy Warren
- Mrs Manson
- Tom Smallwood
- Mr Brandon

Summary of:


Peel and Steed knew something was wrong, they go to little bazely because other agents were killed.     


Emma Peel - Wealthy, stubborn, intelligent, 
John Steed - Boss, smart, traditional, superior

How the episode shows cultural and social context:

Audience appeal:

Wednesday 31st January 2024

Do Now:

- Peel and Steed go to little bazely because some agents were killed
- Peel is wealthy, stubborn and intelligent
- Steed is the boss, traditional and superior to peel
- They discover that there were invasions

Context - The Avengers:

L/O - To analyse the influence of social and historical contexts in Season 4 Episode 1

Personal Identity - People can relate to Emma Peel as a strong female character, she didn't obey men - Younger Generation. Older Generation want to be John Steed 

Information - Women can be independent and strong

Entertainment - Fight scenes would've been exciting, anti-stereotypical features

Social Interaction - Watch it together as a family, discussing the episode with friends/co-workers, build a personal relationship with the familiar characters (Emma & Steed) - almost a substitute for real life interaction, a sense of Britishness gained in Britain and abroad

Social Context:

- Cold War
- Vietnam War
- Nuclear War
- Threat of foreign invasion
- Espionage 

The episode was based on foreign invaders invading their country. 
Calm response when Peel tells Steed about the invasion.

Wednesday 7th February 2024

Context - The Avengers

L/O - To analyse representation and influence of social & cultural context in series 4 episode 1.

Characters - The English seaside town was represented as strange via the characters as at the end of the episode we come to realise that Piggy Warren is not who he says he is. This creates the feeling that something sinister and strange was going on with the characters. 

Setting - The English seaside town was represented as small and boring as it didn't have a lot to offer. 

Props - The props were interesting because of the horse shoe and other props used, the people creating the show were given a large sum of money for this season enabling them to have more advanced props

Character Interaction - Mrs Peel and Steed were polite and kind towards Piggy, until Steed realises that Piggy isn't who he says he is. 

Dialogue - 

Stereotypes - Piggy Warren has a large moustache which was common in in that time period

1) Mrs Peel is an example of a tough intelligent woman as she is not easily frightened which can be seen in the scene where she is confronted by men with weapons


- She is not scared when men with weapons approach her
- She wears fancy outfits

Reactionary Stereotype:

- She follows Steeds orders
- Is overshadowed by Steed
- Steed bosses her around

1) I think they called her Mrs Peel to fit the stereotypes that she is married and that she is 'owned' by a man
2) Everyone would assume that all characters were heterosexual because in the 1960s being anything other than heterosexual was typically frowned upon.

1) Steed and Peel are clearly upper class as at the beginning of the episode we see Peels apartment which is very clearly large and luxurious showing us that she is upper class. Steed wears a metal bowler hat and bowler hats were typically owned by the rich.
2) Peel and Steed represent the traditional past by their outfits and attitudes.

1) I think they wanted representations of both so that the younger generation and older generation could enjoy the show as the show is supposed to be something for the whole family to enjoy as in the 1960s they typically only had one TV throughout the whole house.

Black Umbrella - 
Expensive 3 piece suit - Upper class, rich, likes luxurious clothes
Fought in WWII - Brave, strong, determined
Polite & Respectful - Raised right, raised in a kind household

Black Leather Catsuit - Appeals to men
Mini Skirt - Appeals to men
Respectful & Dutiful - obedient, kind
Well spoken & Polite - Kind, raised in a good household

In this extract of Avengers the camera work is quite simple and mainly focused on the main characters and sometimes on the side characters throughout. The sound was good quality and you are able to hear the characters just fine. There is no music except for at the beginning of the extract.
Wednesday 21st February 2024

The Avengers - Extract Analysis

L/O - To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract.

In the exam:

- Be shown a clip from either TV Drama - about 3 - 4 minutes long.
- First three questions will be based on the extract
- 1st question - how media language has been used to create meaning


- Shot type - Long, mid, medium close up, extreme closeup & closeup shots, establishing shots.
- Angle - Low angle, high angle, canted angle or aerial shots, point of view shots
- Movement - tracking, steadicam or crane shots, hand held camera, shallow focus and focus pulls. 

- Close ups of Steed and Peel together
- High angle shots
- Low angle shot of Peel, shows dominance
- Shot of doorbell (tells us who the character is)
- High angle shot of Steed shows that he is vulnerable, Peel is in a position of power. 


- High & Low-key lighting
- Location/Setting
- Costume, hair & makeup
- Props
- Casting & performance style
- Blocking 

- Peel, in smart clothing - makes her appear sophisticated 
- Steed, wearing a suit - difference between villagers & outsiders
- Low-key lighting - foreshadowing something bad could happen

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Extract Analysis:

L/O - To explore elements of media language and practice how to analyse an extract


The way the individual cuts have been ordered to create a narrative.
Any post-production effects

- Cutting on action

1) Cutting on action is used to heighten the tension and make the scene more dramatic, it quickens the pace of the scenes. 

2) The speed of editing increases as Mr Steed is attacked and we switch point of views quite quickly, increasing the tension. 


Diegetic - Sounds that can be heard in that scene
Non Diegetic - Sounds that only the audience can hear

1) Non Diegetic music increases in volume as the man dies - increases tension, makes the scene more dramatic

2) Contrapuntal sound with the dogs barking, scares the audience into thinking that Emma Peel could get caught. Dogs bark to warn their owners of danger so the dogs could've been barking to alert Mrs Peel.

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Do Now: 3/3

1) Camerawork, sound, editing, mise-en-scene ✅
2) 2 examples ✅
3) 5 marks ✅

Extract Analysis:

L/O - To explore extract based questions and how to 
answer them effectively.

Paragraph structure:

Describe - the technique used in a particular frame
Explain - support with specific evidence - how has media been used to construct this meaning
Link - to the overall context/meaning of the scene 

1) How was camerawork used to create meaning? 

At the very beginning of the extract we are given a close up of Steed. This is to emphasise how scared he is of the man approaching him with the burning hot horseshoe. The close up gives us a moment to see how Steed is feeling and we can see the terror on his face. This moment gives the audience a sense of terror as they watch because Steed is not usually scared or intimidated. 

Later on in the scene we have a low angle shot of the blacksmith, showing that the blacksmith is dominating the situation. This makes tension rise in the scene as it makes it seem like the blacksmith is winning the fight and Steed is losing. This would make the audience feel scared for Steed and create tension. 

2) Analyse how far the extract creates tension.

- Slow paced clips
- Low angle shots
- Intimidating music - tempo & volume increase 
- tension lessens as steed meets peel - music fades out

At the beginning of the extract, the music is used to create tension between Steed and the blacksmith, as Steed enters the room the music spikes up in a loud measure, foreshadowing to the audience that something bad is likely to happen. As the blacksmith appears the music increases in volume and tempo. This scene creates a lot of tension for the audience, making them worried that something may happen to Steed. The music is intimidating and creates a feeling of tension throughout the whole fight scene.

3) How far does the extract create a stereotypical representation of men?

- Fight
- Steed saving Mrs Peel
- Peel explaining things to steed

Wednesday 27th March 2024

1) Cuffs was shown on BBC 1
2) It streams on 8PM Wednesday - before the watershed
3) Ensemble cast
4) Set in Brighton

Wednesday 17th April 2024

Do Now:

1) More women in authority, people of different races, in colour improvement of technology, more accepting of sexualities, 

Cuffs and Audience Appeal

L/O - To analyse the appeals of TV Drama

The Hero - Police
The Villain - Criminals
The Donor - Chief Super Robert Vickers
The Helper - Jake Vickers
The Princess - Solving the crimes
The princess' father - 
The Dispatcher - Station Officer
The False Hero - Chief Super Robert Vickers

Audience Appeals U&G

Personal Identity - People can relate to certain characters, different races, sexualities and gender

Information - Police work, criminal world 

Entertainment - Police procedural, dramatic, keeps people on the edge of their seats, action sequences, comedy

Social Interaction - People will talk about the show to their friends.

Cuffs and Social Contexts:

L/O - To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in Cuffs

1) Donna being more athletic than Lino
2) Jake being gay, he is not discriminated against for it
3) Jo is a character of high authority 

Wednesday 24th April 2024

Do Now:

1) The police were represented as, being distrusted by the public, understaffed

Cuffs and Social Contexts:

 L/O - To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in Cuffs

Donna: Donna has an important status within the police ranks as a PC. She is represented as strong-willed and athletic, she is a lot faster than Lino making her anti-stereotypical. 

Jake: Jake is represented as a new, unexperienced police officer. He is keen to impress the others. Him being gay is not presented as an issue, this shows that there was not a lot of discrimination in 2015. When he is chasing the people in the car, he wasn't sure where he was causing them to lose the criminal. 

Felix: Felix is represented as a quiet, timid,
withdrawn male, he is more emotional which is not presented as an issue. Showing that in 2015 people were more accepting of male emotions. 

Jake Vickers - Unexperienced, wants to impress people - Anti-stereotypical

Lino Moretti - Funny, comedy character - Stereotypical

Felix Kane - Emotional, timid, withdrawn - Anti-stereotypical

- Differences in ethnicity are accepted and we see this with there being a wide range of ethnicities 

- Racism still exists in Britain and we see this when people begin to be racist to Ryan

Wednesday 1st May 2024

Analysing an extract

L/O - To analyse the use of media language in a TV Drama Effect 


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