Media Language Analysis

 Wednesday 6th October 2021

LO: To analyse a media text using Media Language

Why do you think they chose this shot type?

The camera shot type is a medium long shot. 

I think they chose this shot because it shows all of the features like the gun and a clear facial expression.

If they had chosen a long shot his facial expression would not be clear and if you chose a mid shot the gun would not be visible so a medium long shot is perfect. 


The clothing looks professional however, its not exactly something James Bond would wear as he  usually wears suits. 

He also looks like a cowboy who are usually outlaws so maybe he's an outlaw in this movie?


He's holding a gun which could suggest violence or death. He also has a watch which if you've ever seen any James Bond film you probably know that the watch most likely has a special power. 

Facial expression: 

He looks very focused and serious as if he needs to do something


It looks like concrete which is usually cold which could suggest the movie is scary and cold.

Diegetic sounds:

  • Gunshots (To give the trailer effects and to let people know its violent)
  • Helicopter whirring (To add effects because the scene had the helicopter.)
  • Fighting (To show physical violence) 
  • Windows smashing (Breaking into houses/crime)
  • Motorbikes (Trying to get away, loud)

What transitions were used?

There were a lot of fade to black transitions to show that we were skipping time to different scenes. 

What happened to the pace of the cuts at the end?

The cuts got faster to make people want to watch it more as it makes it more interesting.

The costumes look casual nothing like school uniform. 

It looks like there aren't many props but there are a lot of objects/animals that look like they were drawn by someone.

Facial Expression:
The person in the front looks like he's smirking so he probably has done something. 

Theres many characters and the background looks very colourful. 

Camera shot:
They used a long shot so we could see all the characters! 

Wednesday 13th October 2021

Group 4 - Mise-en-scene 

Costumes - The outfits look very casual, however some look formal like the woman with the black veil and all the soldiers. It looks a bit like Star Wars because of the soldiers wearing white. Different teams because loads of people wore the same outfit.

Hair & Makeup - Most of the peoples hair look messy and is brought up in a bun or a ponytail to keep it out of their face. It doesn't look like theres really any makeup however if there is then its probably very natural as I can hardly see it. 

In the Dune trailer, Mise-en-scene is used effectively to tell us there are teams. For example in the scene where there walking out of the building they are all wearing the same costume which could suggest that they are on the same team. The director also uses the outfits to describe the genre as they look quite scary in the costumes which could suggest; violence or action. This creates the impression that the movie is Action. That makes the audience think that there will be violence in the film. 

In the Dune trailer, soundtrack is used efficiently to tell us that the movie is very dramatic because the music is quick, loud and obviously dramatic. For example in the scene in the beginning the music was sharp and quick. This shows that its just the start and that theres more to come. The sounds will prove to the audience the film is violent. 


  1. Great first go at analysis!
    Have a go at using 'connotes' more.


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