Lights Camera Action:

Monday 1st November 2021
                                   Lesson 3:

LO: To apply narrative theory to our own ideas  


                          5 The Polar Express

2                            6

3 Harry Potter               7

4                            8

Todorov's narrative theory

Equilibrium - Equilibrium is a theory of a narrative structure by a  person called Todorov. In this stage its told to us about the conditions that happens with a character. The condition where the main character is having a normal life and can still do all the daily activities that a normal character would usually do.  

Disruption - This type of media is a term we adapted from business where a disruptive media technology is one that helps create a new market and value the network it eventually goes on to disrupt an existing value network and market.

Recognition of disruption - When you realise somethings wrong

Attempt to solve disruption - trying to solve whats wrong

Task One: Create you're plan for you're film:

Equilibrium - Theres a girl called Naomi and she lives in a neighbourhood with a creepy house right opposite hers. Its set in Birmingham. She wakes up with her cat at the bottom of her bed. She gets up and changes and then goes downstairs to eat. Her mum had already left for work so she fed her cat and herself and then goes out to hang up the washing. 

Disruption - She gets lured into the creepy house as her cat ran onto the doorstep and she gets kidnapped by person who nobody knows lives there. She bends down to pick up her cat and then someone grabs her ankle through the floorboards. She falls through and bangs her head before she gets properly knocked out by a bat she hears heavy breathing. 

Recognition of disruption - Naomi realises she's not in her comfy bed and she wakes up and realises her getting kidnapped was no dream. She realises she's tied onto a chair with ropes. Thankfully she knows how to escape as her mother taught her. She bites onto the ropes and chews through it. She says to her cat that this certainly was not what she was expecting to have for dinner she bites through it finally. 

Attempt to solve disruption - Naomi grabs her fluffy white cat and runs as fast as she can. However there seems to be no way out. She tries to peel of the plaster off the walls however there was just solid stone underneath. She curses under her breath and runs trying to find another way. She reminds herself that she was pulled in by the floorboards. So she rushed and looked up at the ceiling. Then the creepy person grabs her again and whispers " Why don't you want to be my friend?"  

New Equilibrium - She ends up having to live in the creepy house with the person who wasn't scary at all and just wanted a friend to keep him company. His name is Alec and he loved Naomi's cat he explained how he only wanted the cat but was happy he got Naomi as well. They ended up falling in love despite the 2 year age gap. They both ran away to Hawaii and got eloped! 

Task two: Visualise the storyboard:


Monday 15th November 2021                                                                                                Lesson 4:

L/O To explore the use of camera work in films

Extreme close up - Harry Potter - Film: Harry Potter

Close up - Harry Potter - Film: Harry Potter

Medium close up - Harry Potter - Film: Harry Potter

Mid shot - Hermione Granger - Film: Harry Potter

Long shot - Harry Potter , Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger - Film: Harry Potter

Establishing shot - Hogwarts - Film: Harry Potter

Birds eye view shot - Voldemort  - Film: Harry Potter

Low angle shot - Hagrid - Film: Harry Potter

High angle shot - Harry Potter - Film: Harry Potter

Canted angle - Harry Potter , Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger -  Film: Harry Potter

Point of view shot - Harry Potter -  Film: Harry Potter

Over the shoulder shot - Voldemort and Harry Potter - Film: Harry Potter

  • The extreme close up shot is generally used to allow the viewer to enter the character's personal space.
  • A close-up shot is a type of camera shot size in film and television that adds emotion to a scene. 
  • The medium close-up shot is used to help the audience register the subject's emotions and facial expressions while also showcasing the background.
  • A mid shot is used to emphasise both the actor and their surroundings by giving them an equal presence on screen.
  • The long shot is also called a “wide shot” or “full shot” and it's used to show the relationship between characters and their environment.
  • In filmmaking and television, an establishing shot lets the audience know the setting for the scene they're about to watch.
  • The perspective is very foreshortened, making the subject appear short and squat. This shot can be used to give an overall establishing shot of a scene, or to emphasise the smallness or insignificance of the subjects. 
  • A low-angle shot in a film can convey a number of emotions or feelings about the subject in the frame.
  • A high angle shot looks down at the subject from a higher perspective and can convey information or elicit an emotional response from the audience.
  • A camera angle which is deliberately slanted to one side, sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness, etc.
  • Often POV shots are used in horror and thriller movies to make the audience see only that much which one person sees, adding in to the suspense.
  • The OTS shot is used as a way to capture the perspective of the subject whose shoulder the camera is placed behind.

Camera Movement: 

  1.  The camera movement which moves up and down is called a Pedestal. 
  2. The camera movement which moves from side to side is called Panning.
  3. The camera movement which moves from left to right is called Panning.
  4. The camera movement which moves towards and away from the subject is called Dolly. 
  5. A camera shot of one eye on a persons face is called an extreme close up.
  6. A shot showing all of someones body is called a long shot.
  7. A shot from the waist to the top of the head i called a mid shot.
  8. A long shot of a building is called an establishing shot. 
  9. A shot from the window of an aeroplane is called a point of view.
  10. A shot looking up at someone or something is called a low angle shot.

7. The first shots tells us that this film is very dramatic.
4. We see the story through James bonds eyes 
1. Long shot, Mid shot and establishing shot

Monday 29th November 2021

Setting & colour

L/O: To explore the use of setting and colour in films


  1. A director would choose an isolated house for a horror movie as when the person goes in theres nobody there until the monster/person comes out.
  2. A director would choose a big city for an action film because a large city would have lots of people who would need to be saved. 
  3. A director would choose a small seaside town for a romance film because its small and doesn't have a lot of people which means the couple can be alone.
  4. A director would choose a range of different countries for an action adventure film because theres a lot of different people for the super hero's to save.
  5. A director would choose a large science laboratory for a science fiction film as the main characters in the film would most likely be scientists and they would need to do they're work in the lab. 


  1. A director would choose blue and red as a colour for a new superhero as lots of hero's have already got those colours.
  2. A director would choose a black suit for a villain as it adds mystery.
  3. A director would choose bright colours for a comedy film as it creates cheer for the audience.

  1. The action takes place in many locations like: When one of the hero's was running from the tunnel of lava, when the blue alien girl ran to attack with both her blades 
  2. I think the story was set in the scary place because the movie is quite dramatic and has lots of death.
  3. The setting changes from the deathbed to everyone fighting. 
  4. The setting affects the characters life as most of them die.
  5. I wasn't really able to tell where the story was taking place but I knew that they were all dying in a particular place.
  6. The story could've happened on the sandy dunes where Iron Man died.
  7. The story is probably taking place in the modern era as with all the fancy superhero costumes.
  8. A few clues is how modern it looks which probably tells us its in the future.
  9. I think there was a black and white scene when the characters die because it makes it look more sad.
  10. Theres obviously the red and gold for Iron Man black for Black Widow and blue red and gold for Captain America.
  11. I think paying attention to the colours is pretty important as it can show you whats going on black and white for example can show/prove that something sad is going on whereas something bright and colourful can show something happy is occurring.
  12. Black and white or just one colour would make it quite boring I think.

I am Legend: Action because the main character has a gun and it looks like there are explosions in the back.
28 Days Later: Horror because its got scary colours like black and red and the title with what looks like devil horns on it.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark : Adventure because theres a background with what looks like a temple and the colour tells us that theres a desert involved.

I would make the laboratory quite bright and very high tech and then the outside of the lab very dark and lots of dead bodies around. There is no more road its just dirt and mud and the floor is littered with dead bodies. 

I chose to make the lab high tech because its 1000 years into the future so its going to be a lot more high tech than it is now. The outside of the lab I made very dark and gloomy and lots of dead bodies as there is a deadly virus around killing of everyone and they ran out of spaces in the grave yard so they just dumped their bodies on the street.

Monday 13th December 2021                                      Photoshoot:

L/O: To explore the different styles of Photography 


Reflection - Turn of my computer and take a picture of me in the reflection

Patterns in nature - Take a picture of the wall 

Ground level - Take a shot down the stairs

Framing of the shot - Take a picture of some plants 

Looking up - Take a shot of a building    


Reflection was pretty easy as all we had to do was take a picture of my reflection in the macbook

Patterns in nature:

This one was sort of hard as we had to find a good spot to take the picture.           

Ground level:

This one turned out amazing and I really liked it!

Framing of the shot:

This one was pretty easy as all we had to do was take a picture of a seagull 


I think the images of the seagulls the building and the puddle would've looked better if there was better weather because the sky looked dark and gloomy and it would've looked better with the sun out.

Monday 10th January 2022   Sound in Film:

LO: To explore the use of sound in film 

Music: Describe the sort of music you would expect to hear in the following genres of films: 

  • Horror - Spooky, Creepy to set the mood.
  • Action - Music that makes the hero look and sound heroic
  • Thriller - Music that can make people feel lots of adrenaline 
  • Comedy - Funny music that can easily make people laugh
  • Science fiction - The music might be mysterious to set the mood because mysterious things happen in movies like that.
Diegetic - Sounds you can hear when on set for a film.

Non diegetic - Sounds you can't hear on set (Character narrations, music etc.)

Diegetic sound is any sound that emanates from the story world of the film. The source of diegetic sound doesn't necessarily need to be seen on screen, as long as the audience understands that it is coming from something within the film.

Sometimes called commentary or non-literal sound, non-diegetic sound is any type of sound that does not specifically exist within the world of the film itself. In other words, it's the type of sound that characters in a film are not able to hear, but that we can.

The matrix:

Diegetic - 
  • Talking 
  • Gunshots
  • Clicking fingers 

Non Diegetic - 
  • Character Narrations
  • Music - Drums and guitar - Singing - 
  • Sound effects - Hitting/punching 
  • Explosion  
  • Glass breaking
  • Screaming


Foley is when sounds and effects are added because the microphone picks up too much noise its the reproduction of everyday sounds for use in filmmaking. 

Foley sounds in an animation:

  • Gunshots 
  • Remote clicking 
  • Shouting Door opening 
  • Talking 
  • Shutting door 
  • Blinds opening 
  • Dog barking 
  • Box opening 
  • Box falling 
  • Carpet rustling 
  • Banging into cupboards 
  • Floor banging 
  • Expression noises (Huffing and puffing)
  • Music 

  1. Yes there is music its quite dramatic 
  2. The music makes me feel excited as the music is quite dramatic 
  3. When the fighting begins the music amplifies and gets more dramatic to match the scenes 
  4. Theres a lot of chaos and action with fighting etc
  5. In most films you can because they are speaking with the music in this film you can tell.
  6. Yes near the end its like a sharp sound and then a second of silence and then dramatic music again.
  7. Most characters speak the main character his voice is deep 
  8. I'm not really sure.
  9. Yes you can hear sound effects (Gunshots, Explosions etc.)
  10. Yes definitely I think the sounds were very much amplified to make it sound more dramatic.

Monday 24th January 2022  

L/O - To explore the use of Mise-en-Scene in films.

Do now:

1. Home alone                     6. Transformers 
2. Iron man                       7. The incredibles
3. Spider man                     8. The legion king
4. Titanic                        9. Return of the Jedi
5. Pirates of the Caribbean       10. Finding Nemo

Star wars - arts raws 

  • The character is unorganised - clothes and things everywhere 
  • Likes music - guitar 
  • Likes technology/video games - computer
  • Likes films - posters 
  • Likes reading - books on a shelf 
  • He's a male
  • A teenager - posters, computer and the size of the room
Mise-en-Scene definition:

It is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame. 

1. Settings & Props

Science Fiction:

  • A science lab, space, future and another universe for setting's 
  • Science glasses, technology, futuristic props, weapons.

Romantic comedy:

  • A fancy restaurant with a stage with a comedian, peaceful and a beach for settings
  • Rose, flowers, romantic things 


  • A creepy mansion, abandoned house and forests for settings
  • Scary mask, a weapon, Ouija board

The first character looks like a cowboy or a farmer we can deduce this because of the hat he also looks like an explore. He looks sweaty and has facial which sows he probably doesn't shave. He is't taking care of himself because his shirt has gone grey.

The second character looks like a spoiled brat because she looks like she's caked in makeup, has an expensive phone and has a good looking purse. She looks like she loves fashion. 

The third character looks like a zombie his outfit looks old and his shirt looks grey which shows he is dirty. His hair looks greasy which shows it hasn't been washed in a long time. 

Facial expressions and body language: 

In the first image the girl looks quite unhappy and upset, the mum looks prim and proper and does not look worried about her daughter at all. The Father looks quite worried and is looking at his daughter with a worried look on his face. 

In the second image the man near the back looks worried as if he's scared that there might be a fight the man at the front with a cigarette in his mouth looks like he wants to fight. However he also has sweat and blood on him so maybe the fight already happened?

Lighting and Colour:

Low key lighting - 

  • Produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas 
  • Deep distinct shadows/ silhouettes are formed 

High key lighting:

  • Lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes 
  • Produces brightly lit set on a sunny day

The lighting is dim and quite dark so you can hardly see which suggests a horror movie the colours are all black, brown or grey which suggests again that this is a horror movie. 

Positioning of people/objects: 

The first picture we can deduce that they dislike each other because they are separate.

The second picture the 2 men are side by side which we can say they look like their a team.

Monday 7th February 2022

L/O - To experiment with Foley and sound effects

Settings and props:

  • Guards are holding guns show they are important.
  • The tons of food suggests whoever lives there is rich.

Costume hair & makeup:

  • We are immediately drawn into the person in the middle because of his wacky hair and his odd style.
  • The guards outfits look very posh and important.
  • The man in the middle looks very odd because of his choice of clothing we can deduce that he is probably a pirate because of his hat

Lighting and colour: 

It looks like low key lighting because of how dark and mysterious it is.

Creative Task:

Setting & Props

  • Laboratory, clean, dissection table
  • protective suits
  • microscopes 
  • robots who do everything for you.
  • Computer - Alexa but way better! 

Costume hair & makeup:

  •  Laboratory coats and fancy shoes
  • Hairstyles - fancy ponytails with clips/ hairstyles out of your face.
  • Light makeup (Mascara, lipgloss some eyeshadow etc)

Facial expressions & body language:

  •  Concentrated faces 
  • Uses their hands to explain things quite often

Lighting and colour: 

  • High key lighting quite bright and has lots of lights in the lab

Positioning of characters/objects within the frame:

  • The scientists will be at the front the robots in the background sorting things out and the alien in stage middle.

Clip 1: 

Dialogue (voiceover) & breathing 
Music over the video
Tap running
Click of mirror 
Sound of drawer 
Spreading jam on bread 
toilet flushing 
shutting door
putting milk away 
brushing teeth 

We did the breathing one pretty easily I was breathing/sighing heavily and Jasmine recorded

The tap running one was very easy we just had to turn on the tap heavily and record

The click of the mirror and the clinking on the mug was made by clinking a spoon on a table leg

Brushing teeth was made by scrunching up plastic bags

Shutting a door was made by just shutting a door

Monday 28th February 2022      Disaster Movies:

L/O - To explore the disaster movie genre


Director - James Cameron 
Cast - Leonardo Dicaprio, Kate Winslet
Genre - Romance, Disaster, Drama and Historical Drama

The reason this film is a disaster movie is because the massive boat crashes into a huge iceberg most people died on the boat including one of the main characters Jack Dawson, his love interest Rose Dewitt Bukater survived. 

Jurassic Park:

  1. There are 2 scientists one female one male however the male ends up saving the day.
  2. In this movie Claire has to save her 2 nephews.
  3. This film features a dinosaur attack as a disaster.
  4. This film includes most of the characters surviving.
  5. In my film Owen tries to chase after the dinosaur
  6. This film is in common with The Tunnel because they both suffer from a life threatening disaster   

The Tunnel:

  1. The character who needs to be saved is a female and a male saves her 
  2. I'm unsure wether or not someone needs to get a family member to safety
  3. The disaster is an Earthquake 
  4. I'm unsure wether anyone survives
  5. I am unsure about wether or not anyone travels
  6. This film is in common with Jurassic Park because they both suffer from a life threatening disaster   


  1. There is one male one female 
  2. No there is no scene where anyone gets a family member to safety
  3. There was a ship crash for the disaster
  4.  Rose (One of the main characters) overcomes the disaster but jack dies of hypothermia 
  5. They try and swim to land
  6. The films all suffer from a life threatening disaster.

  1. Characters
  2. Setting
  3. Action
  4. Props 
  5. Colour Combos
  6. Narrative Suggestions
  7. Text Elements
  8. Other genres included 

My own movie:

    1. My main character(s) are a young female (29) and a male (30) They are both Scientists The female is called Rachel and the male is called Dominic. Rachel has long brunette hair and green eyes whereas Dominic has short ginger hair and dark brown eyes.
    2. The disaster is another scientist was experimenting with animals and made one very sick he then let that animal go and it spread the disease to house animals  the house animals then spread to the humans and many people die. Rachel and Dominic were given a sick puppy and need to try and come up with something to cure the disease
    3. There are 3 other characters so we have the scientist who created the disease he is called Alexander and then we have Rachel's daughter Zoey, Dominic's girlfriend Penelope. Alexander has blonde hair and Zoey has long blonde hair and hazel eyes and Penelope has medium length black hair and dark blue eyes.
    4. Penelope dies near the beginning because her kitten (Milo) contracted the disease *Milo died shortly after* Dominic is heartbroken 
    5. There is no fight scene but Rachel contracts the disease but fortunately fights it off. by using a early version of the pill to see if it worked after she used it she still had the symptoms and so they expanded on it to make it better. She then had her dog Bucky to contract it and gave him a mushed up pill in his water bottle to see if it would work it didn't and so she put it in his food instead.
    6. Rachel and Dominic works out how to fix it and make a pill to cure people. They will still suffer the symptoms but not as badly. 
    7. The closing scene will be of Rachel and Dominic getting married and Zoey as a flower girl at the front with them.

Name Ideas:

  • The Virus 
  • The Disease 
  • Deadly Animals 

Monday 14th March 2022                 My Disaster Movie:

L/O - To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Name the disaster movie:    2/6 :/

1.  The day after tomorrow 
2.  2012
3.  The impossible
4.  War of the worlds
5.  Godzilla
6.  Twister

Trailer 1 - Doctor Strange

Characters - Doctor Strange wears a cloak and a suit he is a brave character

Setting - The scenery starts out in a city and then we go to a different realm

Actions - Doctor Strange acted fast and was smart about what he did

Props - There were minimal props used

Colour - Most of the colours we saw were neutral or bright fiery red

Narrative - ?

Trailer 2 - The Uncharted

Characters -  Most characters all wore formal attire like suits and fancy dresses

Setting -  The setting was mostly in buildings we did not see much of the outside 

Actions -  There was quite violent actions not like stabbing but choking etc.

Props -  There was quite cool props like a chain to choke one of the main character with

Colour - Most of the colours were pretty neutral

Narrative -  ?

Trailer 3  - Batman

Characters -  Most characters wore formal attire but Batman wore his suit

Setting -  The setting was quite dark and gloomy not a lot of sunshine mostly nighttime 

Actions -  There was not a lot of fighting however Batman looked angry at times

Props -  Not a lot of props used

Colour - Mostly dark shades of grey and black used

Narrative -  ?

Trailer 4 -  Jurassic World Dominion 

Characters - The characters all wore comfy clothes 

Setting - Quite dark and country side

Actions  -  Scary actions (dinosaurs etc)

Props - Not many props used

Colour -  Quite neutral 

Narrative -  ?

Trailer 5 - The impossible 

Characters - All happy in the beginning until disaster struck 

Setting - Beautiful at the beginning and then went horrible as the hurricane came

Actions - Dangerous, scary etc 

Props -  Not many

Colour - Quite bright until after the disaster then muddy and dark.

Narrative - ?

    1. My main character(s) are a young female (29) and a male (30) They are both Scientists The female is called Rachel and the male is called Dominic. Rachel has long brunette hair and green eyes whereas Dominic has short ginger hair and dark brown eyes.
    2. The disaster is another scientist was experimenting with animals and made one very sick he then let that animal go and it spread the disease to house animals  the house animals then spread to the humans and many people die. Rachel and Dominic were given a sick puppy and need to try and come up with something to cure the disease
    3. My film is set in 2320 United Kingdom which means they have a ton more technology than we do now.
    4. The mood is upsetting when Penelope dies everyone is in black clothing to show their sorrow.
    5. There are 3 other characters so we have the scientist who created the disease he is called Alexander and then we have Rachel's daughter Zoey, Dominic's girlfriend Penelope. Alexander has blonde hair and Zoey has long blonde hair and hazel eyes and Penelope has medium length black hair and dark blue eyes.
    6. Penelope dies near the beginning because her kitten (Milo) contracted the disease *Milo died shortly after* Dominic is heartbroken 
    7. There is no fight scene but Rachel contracts the disease but fortunately fights it off. by using a early version of the pill to see if it worked after she used it she still had the symptoms and so they expanded on it to make it better. She then had her dog Bucky to contract it and gave him a mushed up pill in his water bottle to see if it would work it didn't and so she put it in his food instead.
    8. Rachel and Dominic works out how to fix it and make a pill to cure people. They will still suffer the symptoms but not as badly. 
    9. The closing scene will be of Rachel and Dominic getting married and Zoey as a flower girl at the front with them.

The Disease:

    The disaster is that a crazy scientist was experimenting on a rabbit after he had finished he then put that rabbit outside in the wild little did he know he had created a virus a young girl *15* was the first to pass away from this virus after finding the rabbit and petting it and contracting the disease.  She spread the disease to her outdoor cat and the cat spread it to many other animals and people. After that they named the virus 'The Deadly Rabbit'. My main characters are 1 female and 1 male Rachel and Dominic. Rachel is 29 and has a degree in Biology. Dominic is 30 and also has a degree in biology. Together they both work together to create a cure for the virus. A few side characters are - Zoey *Rachel's daughter*. *Alexander *the scientist who created the virus*. Lastly Penelope *Dominic's Girlfriend* Their ages are Zoey - 5. Alexander - 47. Penelope - 30

There will not be many special effects as this film is natural and does not have many              explosions and just have deaths from the illnesses. Colour wise when Penelope dies they will have dark setting it will be slightly drizzling and it will be dark. Everyone will be wearing dark colours. No fighting scene however Rachel contracts the disease and so she uses one of the early pills it works and she no longer feels really bad symptoms instead they are now mild. 

The setting is in London gorgeous and sunny. Lots of buildings and trees.  Its always full of people and animals like dogs stray cats etc. However when they went into total lockdown the streets were then empty no animals walked the streets. Everyone only went out if they HAD to, to collect necessities etc. 

Monday 28th March 2022                             Narrative Theory:

L/O - To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie

Do now - Name six disaster movie conventions:

  1. Life threatening disaster
  2. Problem
  3. A hero
  4. Family
  5. In a city
  6. World Wide Impact

Todorov - 

  • Equilibrium - Rachel and Dominic are going about their daily work and Rachel asks Dominic if he wants to go to the movies. Dominic says he has a girlfriend and Rachel is deeply embarrassed. At this point in time the virus has not started and everything is normal. Everyone is aware the year is 2320 which means there is bound to be a pandemic due to previous years. However, nobody knows what the pandemic will be. 

  • Disruption - A famous Scientist called Alexander Royce created a injection with tons of different chemicals mixed in. He decided to test it on a rabbit to see if it could do anything. He left the rabbit in there for a few hours and it did nothing. So he released the rabbit. That rabbit then escaped his little garden and went to the city. A young girl called Ella petted it as she thought it was cute! About a week later Ella fell deathly ill and ended up passing away. More and more people started contracting it as Ella gave it to her house cat and all her friends. 

  • Recognition of Disruption - Rachel and Dominic were given DNA samples of the peoples blood who fell deathly ill with the disease and they tested it. They recognised they had some rabbit DNA in their blood. They figured that the rabbit had something to do with this. So they sent out Scientists to go out and look for any rabbits that look ill. They found him his name was Theo and he was Alexanders pet they realised. Alexander was arrested for releasing Theo when he had just tested on him.

  • Attempt to solve disruption - As Rachel and Dominic are testing to try and solve the pandemic. Dominic's girlfriend unfortunately passes away. Penelope contracted it from her cat Milo who passes away after. They make up a pill to help control it. Rachel contracts it but uses an early version of the pill which helps a ton. She still has mild symptoms but was genuinely okay.

  • New Equilibrium - Life goes back to normal after 5 years of trying to improve the virus. Rachel and Dominic get married and Zoey treats him as her real father. They have a set of twins together Jackson and Jules.


Hero - Rachel is the hero because she made the pill to cure the virus

Villain - Alexander because he created the virus

Donor - Zoey gives Rachel the strength to keep going Rachel worked hard to keep up the good work at home to make the cure.

The Helper - The helper is Dominic as he helps Rachel cure the virus.

The Princess - Zoey, Rachel wants to save her.

The dispatcher - Alexander sends them to collect a key ingredient for the pill.

The princesses father - Rachel is very protective over Zoey she made everyone test for the virus before they entered her house to look after Zoey.

The false hero - Another Scientist acts like they created the cure but Rachel and Dominic show that they did.


Monday 25th April 2022   Script writing &                               Storyboarding:

LO - To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie.

Synopsis - 48 words

Rachel and Dominic are 2 life saving scientists so when a deadly virus carried by a rabbit breaks out they are both brave and battle the virus to cure it and get rid of it from the world forever, will they complete this mission? Or will they fail?

Visual Storyboarding -

1.  "I'm hungry" - I would make the actor grab their stomach and rub it to show that their hungry. It could be a person who has been kept in captivity and is quite literally starving to death.

2.  "I lost the cat" - I would make the actor look panicked and shake the box of cat treats to show the audience its a cat they are searching for. I would make the actor look really scared and worried.

3.  "I'm so tired" - I'd make the actor yawn a lot and look tired by stretching their arms to look like they are going to go to sleep.

4.  "I'm late for school" I'd make the actor wake up and look at the clock and look surprised and scared and then jump up and grab their clothes and bag. I would make the actor look really scared and panicked pretend they have a strict teacher that lesson. 

5.  "I'm really annoyed with them" I would make the actor roll their eyes when they come around and when they start talking.  I would make the actor seem like they really hate that character.

Opening - Script Work

Rachel's House:

*Rachel began to slowly awake at 5am in her comfy velvet duvet*

Rachel - Ugh morning already?

*Zoey wakes up and hears her mother messing around trying to find an outfit*

Zoey - Mummy what are you doing?

Rachel - Its okay honey sorry if I woke you up mummy was just trying to find an outfit. 

Zoey - Oh okay can you make me some eggs? 

Rachel - Yes of course go and get dressed then sweetheart.

*Zoey exits the scene to go and get dressed*

Rachel - Right lets put this shirt and skirt on.

*Blackout as we hear Rachel get dressed*

*Lights turn back on and we are in the kitchen*

Rachel - Zoey eggs are ready!

*We hear a loud bang and Rachel runs off stage yelling*

Rachel (Shouting sounding worried) - ZOEY ARE YOU OKAY?

Zoey - I'm fine mum I just wanted to bring my dollhouse downstairs but it fell

*Rachel breaths a sigh of relief and looks at the smashed dollhouse on the floor.*

Rachel (Sighing) - Look Zoey you can't just drop your dollhouse on the stairs that was very expensive y'know!

Zoey (Almost crying) - I'm so sorry mummy I really didn't mean too

*Rachel sighs and takes Zoey in a small hug Zoey hugs back then runs into the kitchen to eat her eggs.*

Rachel - Zoey no breakfast yet come and clear up your dollhouse please!

Zoey - Okay! 

*They both pick up the broken bits of dollhouse and put it in the bin*

Zoey - Finally breakfast!

*Rachel and Zoey sit at their table and eat their eggs and sausages Rachel cooked.*

Rachel - Right time for mummy to get to work Poppy will be here soon!

*Rachel then exits the scene to go get her bag. Zoey is left alone*

*Poppy then enters the scene and gives Zoey a hug* 

Poppy - Heya darling auntie Poppy's here!

*Zoey gives a small smile*

Poppy - So wheres ya mum?

Zoey - She's getting her bag

*Rachel then rushes on scene looking like a mess*

Rachel (Shouting angrily)  - ZOEY? DID YOU HIDE MY BAG AGAIN?

*Zoey giggles cheekily)

Zoey -  Yes haha I'll go up and get it!

*Poppy chuckles and Rachel sits down out of breath*

Rachel - That child is going to give me a heart attack one day 

Poppy - Hopefully that days not today ha-ha!

*We hear some footsteps run down the stairs and Zoey appears holding the bag triumphantly*

Zoey - Here you go! 

*Rachel snatches the bag and runs out the door*

Rachel (Shouting out of breath) - BYE GUYS LOVE YOU!

*Zoey and Poppy burst into fits of laughter*

Scene 2 - Alexander's lab:

Monday 9th May 2022                 Industry:

L/O - To explore how a film is made and the various industry roles.

Starter: The big 6

  1. Universal  ✅
  2. Disney ✅
  3. Warner Brothers ✅
  4. Sony ✅
  5. Fox
  6. Paramount  

Film Industry jobs:

Set Designer 
Movie editor

Director of Photography (or Cinematographer) is responsible for crafting the visual language of a film through lighting, camera angles, camera movement, camera framing, and lens choices.

Average Salary - £65,000

Alternative Titles - Director of Photography (DP)

Casting Director (sometimes referred to as the CD) puts together the cast for a project.

Alternative Titles - Casting (CD)

Average Salary - £98,264

Salary Range - £69K - £110K

Graphic Artist adds logos and text and manipulates images for a project. They can also create custom transitions between shots.

Alternative titles: Motion Graphics Artist, Motion Graphics and Titles

Average Salary - £80,000

Salary Range - £120,000

I was shocked to see how slow the process was I thought you just had an idea you made the movie and boom it was in the cinema! I can't believe how wrong I was I had no idea you had to reshoot every wrong scene. 

Pre-production is the stage of a film, television or commercial production that takes place before filming begins. It is followed by production (during which visual content will be filmed) and post-production (where the filmed visual content will be edited into a coherent whole).

Production is the method of turning raw materials or inputs into finished goods or products in a manufacturing process. In other words, it means the creation of something from basic inputs.

This last stage is where the film takes shape as an actual product. Footage is brought together, sound is recorded and added and the finishing touches are put to the film ahead of marketing and release.

Film Distribution:

Movie poster
Social Media 

Release Poster
Release Teaser
Character Sneak Peak 

Monday 23rd May 2022

L/O - To develop an effective film marketing strategy.

  • Advert
  • Billboard
  • Newspaper 
  • Social Media
  • Trailer
Avengers: Endgame

Released in - 2019

  1. I normally see film posters in adverts and TV or in magazines etc.
  2. Their trying to achieve viewers they are putting their posters where they can be seen!
  3. They need to have a large colourful title, tagline, large images to entice actors. 

The genre of this movie looks like disaster because it has a tornado and many broken, houses, trees and cars etc. 

The font looks broken and wrecked to show that there will be wreckage in the movie.

The colour pallet is pretty plain I don't feel the title really fits as its bright white and everything else is not vibrant and plain.

Image - Obviously the image is associated with a tornado as you can see in the background

Reviews - The reviews were not very good they all said it was boring, and that they would not recommend watching.

Monday 13th June 2022       Movie Marketing:

L/O - To create film marketing material

Target 2 - Pick out specific micro details to analyse, such as images, text, font, colour, tagline.

The font is all broken and its all broken down and ripped etc, it definitely looks like theres gonna be a disaster.

The image looks disastrous too as theres so many cars around and a young person running away.

It has a little sub-title which makes it sound scarier.

  • Title
  • Tagline
  • Barcode 
  • Main image
  • Release Date
  • Actors/Directors name
  1. I used main conventions by adding the main image as my background
  2. ?
  3. I was pleased with the title I thought it looked quite cool however I did want to change the colour.
  4. To improve it I would add more actor names
  5. I would like to learn how to colour text/screenshots again on photoshop.


  1. 4/1/22- excellent work here, T: 2. more style types explored.

  2. 24/1- where is your work from the lesson, you did some great work but it isn't here?

  3. 15/3- Some great ideas here T: 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set

  4. 25/4- excellent script writing here, T: 2. Try to add this to a storyboard format so that you can explore the camera shots used for the scene.

  5. 23/5- great work. T 2. pick out specific micro details to analyse, such as images, text, font, colour, tagline.


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