Music Magazine Page

Monday 20th March 2023

Music Magazines:

L/O - To explore the magazine industry, ownership, regulation & revenue.

Who Publishes What?

1 Time Inc - Whats on TV
2 Immediate Media Company - Radio Times 
3 H. Bauer Publishing - TV Choice 
4 Bauer Media Group - Take a break
5 Hearst Communications - Good housekeeping
6 Conde Nast - Glamour 
7 Hearst Communications - Inside soap

1 600
2 Closer
3 Offering online in order to reduce the risk of only operating in one media form.
4 They operate over 150

1 Print Subscriptions, Print advertising, Online subscriptions, Digital advertising. 

2 ?

3 ?

Monday 17th April 2023

Music Genres:

L/O - To identify and explain different music genres

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Country
  • Indie
  • Hip Hop
  • Funk
  • Blues
  • Electronic dance
  • Alternative
  • Classical 


Men tend to wear black and bright red clothing styles. They tend to have short dyed hair or long neutral hair. Women tend to wear shiny tight fitted clothing and short dyed hair in a pixie cut however others have long dyed hair. 

Rock artists tend to have powerful voices that they use to get the words across to their audience.

Rock songs are usually about Romance or Rebelling. 


Pop artists tend to wear baggy clothes that show off their style they also have long hair and its usually dyed. 

Pop artists also have quite powerful voices.

They usually sing about love and relationships 

Hip Hop:

Hip hop artists tend to have dyed hair and wear cute trendy outfits


Pop music tends to be aimed at the younger generation, rather than the older generation. 

A lot of radio shows and magazines feature pop such as, Heart, BBC Radio 1, CHR and more.

Monday 15th May 2023

Music Magazines:

L/O - To explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines. 

Rock magazine, it has a weird fancy font and has a man screaming into the microphone, we also see a man holding up a guitar and he appears to be screaming

Magazine Analysis

1) typography 
the style and appearance of printed matter. T
he art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it, appearance of words.

2)layout; the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out."the road layout the way in which text or pictures are set out on a page."the layout is uncluttered and the illustrations are helpful"the process of setting out material on a page."doing layout for newspapers and magazines", placing on the page

3) lexis; the total stock of words in a language. the level of language consisting of vocabulary, as opposed to grammar or syntax."the distinction between grammar and lexis", the words used.

4) The colours used

5) mise-en-scène; noun the arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film. the setting or surroundings of an event, outfit, choice, characteristics etc. 

1) Typography - Pop magazine, Katy Perry: Sans serif at the top and serif with all the little words next to the main image

2) Layout - Pop magazine, Katy Perry: The masthead is hidden behind Katy Perry, all the little bits of text are beside Katy to her left, all to one side, her name is also next to her in a serif font. 

3) Lexis - Pop Magazine, Katy Perry: She is nicknamed the queen of pop and it also talks a bit about Taylor Swift

4) Colour Pallet - Pop Magazine, Katy Perry: There are lots of bright colours used in this colour pallet, mainly blues and yellows and pinks, a lot of bright colours.

5) Mise-En-Scene - Pop Magazine, Katy Perry: There is a pretty pink background and she's wearing a black dress with yellow flowers on her
dress and real flowers on top of her.

1 c
2 d
3 a
4 e
5 b

Monday 5th June 2023

Genre & Target Audience:

L/O - To identify target audiences 
for a variety of music magazine 
genres and link to genre codes 

5 Pop Music Magazine Covers:

Colour Pallet - Bright colours, colours that stand out for each one.
Typography - Mainly Sans Serif and Serif.
Camera Shot - All of them are close ups except for the first and last ones which are mid shots. 

5 Rock Music Magazine Covers:

Colour Pallet - Quite dark colours, mainly blacks and dark reds.
Typography - Quite odd fonts, fonts that imitate the theme of Rock.
Camera shot - Most of them are mid shots except for the first one, which is a close up. Most of them also only include one person except for the last one which has a band of people together.

5 Rap Music Magazine Covers:

Colour Pallet - Neon colours, bright colours, a lot of different colours used for each one.
Typography - Mainly sans serif, font colours tend to match the cover of the magazine.
Camera shot - Most of them are close ups however the first and last are mid shots.


  • Font
  • Image
  • Masthead
  • Colour Pallet


  • Age
  • Interests
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity

Demographics - Demographics look at the factual data like age,gender, martial status and income.

Psychographics look at lifestyles, behaviours and attitudes.


  • Age/Gender
  • Race
  • Location
  • Employment status


  • Personality
  • Values
  • Attitudes 
  • Interests 
  • Lifestyles 

This magazine 

Monday 19th June 2023

  • It will cost you money 
  • Having to travel to big cities
  • She's holding a violin, it shows she is experienced 
  • She's wearing natural makeup 
  • Cover lines are about music and playing music
  • Colour pallet is quite neutral & boring

MOJO Audience:

L/O - To explore and define the magazine's target audience.

MOJO Genre = classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental.

MOJO Publisher = Bauer the media group & Ascential 

MOJO Target Audience = 30 - 45+

MOJO Circulation = 

MOJO Brand = 

MOJO Background = Luxury magazines were the most successful during the time of intense competition from the online media.

These magazines use advantages of the print media.

It has some aspects of the quality monthly.

1) It covers both established and current
2) It brings you a definitive cover feature on an icon act, a bespoke CD and their famous reviews section.
3) Their readers like lots of genres but specifically classical, modern rock, folk, soul and country.

Weekly magazines target an audience that consists of more working class than middle, the quality monthly magazines on the other hand, are more aimed at middle class. The most popular weekly and monthly magazines are more commonly read by women.

Niche - A very specific target audience, as opposed to a mass audience.

Class - Equal share of middle class and working class readers.

Gender - Four times as likely to be read by men than women.

Age about 65% of them are over 35 years old, but a higher proportion of 15 - 34 year olds (a smaller group) read it.

1) He listens to it via a CD player
2) He is interested in music and other things
3) He has a well paying job, he has a daughter and son.
4) He is a a worldly wise well read man.
5) He really likes music, and enjoys it a lot
6) He likes mojo because it gives him new music to try, he also gets free CDs and he likes CDs.

Information - You could get to know more about the band and their music style

Monday 3rd July 2023

L/O - To review and reflect on the 
EOY Exam and set personal targets.


Question 1 - Identify the regulator for radio in the UK (1)


Type of media:             UK Regulator:

Film (including Trailers)  BBFC
TV & Radio                 OFCOM
Advertising                ASA 
Magazine & Newspapers      Ipso & impress
Video games                Video standards council

Question 2 - Explain one way in which music videos use media language differ from each other. Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.(4)

Mise-En-Scene is used very differently for teenage dirtbag and sk8er boi. The costumes and makeup is ver different in Sk8er boi rather than teenage dirtbag. In sk8er boi everyone has dressed up in punk like clothes whereas in teenage dirtbag everybody is dressed up quite normally with normal clothes and makeup and hair etcetera. 

Question 3 - Explain how and why producers of radio programmes target different audiences. Refer to the Radio 1 Live Lounge to support your answer. (10)

Commercial radio stations target different audience by the music types they produce, the news they tend to tell us and the mixture of genre. Whereas in Radio 1 Live Lounge they target their audiences by supporting upcoming artists and bands and also producing live music through their radio. The commercial radio stations are paid via advertisers that advertise their products via their radio stations, on the other hand Radio 1 live lounge are paid by the TV license and therefore do not need adverts on their news station.

Question 7 - Explain two reasons why a film company would release a video game linked to a film

One reason would be to increase their profits with how much they are making. If the just release the film obviously they will make money but they want more and the way to get more would be to make a video game linked to the film.

Question 8 - Explain at least two uses and gratifications of films using Blumler and Katz's theory. Refer to the lego movie  to support your answer.

Personal identity - Recognising themselves in the characters.
Information - video games more about characters. 
Entertainment - interesting, fun, excitement
Social interaction - talk to friends, lego set, video game etc.

Monday 11th September 2023


L/O - To explore the appeal of 
Mojo Magazine to its target audience

Do Now:

The colours are yellow white and black which are gender neutral colours, therefore appeals to both genders. There is a man on the front cover, he could pose as an idol for men and could possibly be attractive to women. There are some women's names on the magazine which could encourage women to read it. 

Education - Posh, musical education, sophisticated, language, specialised language - linked to music. 

Active Audience:

A magazine audience is an active audience because they get to choose which magazine they take and purchase and they can also choose which articles they want to skip, they have to turn the page to be able to read the rest.

Uses and Gratification:

Personal identity
Social interaction

The cross hanging from her nose can indicate that she is rebellious. 
On the contents page you are given some information of who is featuring in the magazine, how to buy books and albums and what is going on.

This magazine cover is entertaining because it has gossip and free gifts which most people would want. (A free CD)

Monday 18th September 2023

Do Now:

The MOJO Magazine appeals to its target audience by personal identity, which is shown by; specific music taste and people who like established musicians. It also appeals with entertainment because there is a free CD that comes from the magazine. Information wise, we get information about Dave Grohl, Elvis is also on the cover, giving us information about him. With social interaction, you can talk to your friends about the CD or the magazine in itself.
  • Interesting cover line - 'Reading 92'

Music Industry: Q1 & Q2:

L/O - To understand exam style questions 
and practice exam technique.

1) Ofcom ✅
2) bbc ✅
3) broadcasting something for the public ❌ For the benefit of the public
4) Convergence ✅
5) ❌ Diversification
6) ❌ Conglomerate

Question Two: (4 MARKS)

Music radio stations meet the requirements of Public Service Broadcast with their information, entertainment and education they provide, they give us helpful information and educate people when their driving, or just listening to the radio at home. Radio 1 Live Lounge also meets
the requirements of PSB by entertaining us with their music and their information they give us, they also have new upcoming artists on their radio station entertaining us upcoming artists are featured to help them get a start in the industry, this is part of R1 PSB Remit

  • UK Artists 
  • 15 - 29
  • Live music
  • Entertain - Music
  • Educate - Debates, discussions. 

Music Video:

Teenage Dirtbag; Representations -

* High school vibe
* Popular girl
* Popular jocks 
* Loser kid
* America 
* Teenage dirtbags
* Prom/Dance

Sk8er Boi; Representations -

* Bad Girl
* Skater Boy
* Similar age group
* Rebels
* Punk
* Romance, doesn't work out
In teenage dirtbag the setting of the music video is a high school, with popular girls and jocks, whereas in Sk8er Boi the setting of the music video is in a city space, with bad girls and a punk type of theme. They create a different representation for each video. 

Monday 25th September 2023

Do Now ~

1) OfCom regulates radio in the UK ✅
2) BBC owns Radio 1 ✅
3) Public service broadcasting is for the benefit of the public. ✅
4) Convergence ✅
5) The term for branching out into other areas of business diversification. ✅
6) The term that describes a company is Conglomerate ✅

Q2 - Explain two ways that magazines attract their audiences. Refer to your knowledge of MOJO to help you.


MOJO Magazine attracts their audience with a range of different ways, one of many is that they include a free CD in their magazine, this will attract a lot of musical people and will encourage them to buy the magazine because they get a free CD of music they like. The second method, is that they include very famous people on their front covers such as; Dave Grohl, Liam Gallagher etcetera, including famous people on their cover encourages people to pick it up and buy it because they know those people.                                ✅✅✅✅     4 MARKS

Music Industry: Q3 ~

L/O - To explore Exam Style Questions 
and practice Exam Techniques.

Radio Q3:

The BBC Radio has to provide a wider range of content because they have to meet the remit, if they do not then they tend to lose all their money. Whereas Commercial radio have to produce a lot of adverts and get a big audience to be able to produce their money. The BBC Radio is paid by the TV licence therefore not meeting the remit means that they won't get paid. 

The Live Lounge usually supports British artists in their episodes such as Ed Sheeran and more, this is proven when Ed Sheeran can be heard singing in one of their episodes between an interview with Holly Humberston. 

Monday 2nd October 2023

Do Now:

1) Media Language is mise en scene, camerawork, sound & editing - music video/video games etc. Mise en scene, text, layout, type & font - magazines etc
2) Industry is a business, media business' 
3) Audience is a group of people who see, read the media
4) Representation is any stereotypes, how something is presented to an audience. 
5) Context is what is going on at the time

Teenage Dirtbag Representations:

American High School - 

Popular Girl - Close ups, slow mow, clothing

Loser - Costume, editing, shot reverse shot of 'L' on head

Jock - Costume, close up smile, mean to loser, at the front out of his friends, people move out of the way for him. 

Sk8er Boi Representations:

Avril Lavigne - Rebellious girl, breaks the rules when she has a gig illegally, sings in the street on a car - mise en scene, respected low angle shot

Teens - Reckless, graffiti, lots of piercings, bmx jumping in buildings, driving, fast paced editing, camerawork is hand-held, emphasises realism - reckless. 

Teenage dirtbag creates representation with popular girls who are looked up too and loved in teenage dirtbag there are close ups of the main girl and she is also slow mowed to appear as popular, whereas in Sk8er Boi the main female singer, is quite rebellious, in sk8er boi Avril Lavigne is portrayed very differently compared to teenage dirtbag, she is portrayed as rebellious, and she has a low angle shot of herself near the end of the music video, showing she is respected. 

In Sk8er Boi the teenagers in the music video are portrayed as reckless and crazy. In the music video they can be seen driving cars very recklessly, graffitiing and more dangerous and reckless things. In Teenage Dirtbag this is a little different, the teenagers in this music video are portrayed as stereotypical popular jocks who make fun of the 'loser' boy. The teenager in teenage dirtbag is clearly popular as he walks at the front of his friends and can be seen with close ups on his smile.

In teenage dirtbag the 'main boy' is represented as a loser which challenges stereotypes as boys tend to be popular. The boy is mocked and bullied with people putting the 'L' on their head mimicking him being a loser. Whereas in Sk8er Boi the teens are all friends and all hang around each other on their BMX's being very defiant. 

Teenage Dirtbag and Sk8er Boi both contrast with camera shots and techniques in teenage dirtbag the shots tend to be aimed at a higher angle whereas in sk8er boi the shots are mainly a lower angle

Monday 9th October 2023

Do Now:   3/5

1) Mise en Scene is the makeup, costume etc of a character Props & setting 
2) Editing is where somebody takes the role of editing a video to give it effects, sound etc how the shots are placed together, fast paced, shot reverse shot, effects-slow motion
3) Camera work is the movement of a camera, wether or not the camera is hand-held/held by a tripod, camera shots
4) Sound is non-diagetic, diegetic, music etc Ambient sound
5) Narrative is linear story, performance story non-linear narrative.

Diegetic - Diegetic sound is anything the characters can hear. 

Non Diegetic - Any sound that is non-diegetic is for the audience's ears only

Music Industry Q4

L/O - To explore the exam style questions 
and practice exam technique for Q4 
focusing on media language and representation. 

Media Language:

Black and white colour - Older - tradition, classic artist seriousness 

Close up - facial expressions, reveal emotions

Text - lexis 

'Dark Knight' - Surviving
'Saving his soul' - depressed, troubled past, questioning beliefs, path. 


Question 4 - Analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from MOJO magazine. 

The representations in the mojo magazine cover are that of a depressed person with a troubled past and who is questioning his path, this can be proven with the cover lines on the magazine stating, 'Dark Night' and 'Arise'. The colour of the cover is mainly black and white giving us the connotations of an older look for the magazine, the artist on the cover is a classic artist and his face is serious. We are able to clearly see his facial expressions due to the camera giving us a close up, therefore letting us into his mind allowing us to see his emotions. 

Media Language:

Older, serious - somber
Black and white
Associated with older people
Murder Ballands - Older people
Man on cover looks professional, suit & tie
He is looking straight at camera (he has power)
camera is at a low angle (makes him seem more powerful)

Question 4 - Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from MOJO magazine. 

The age represented in this magazine is very clearly older people, as the man on the front cover is clearly of the older generation, he looks very sophisticated and posh, he is wearing a suit and tie indicating he could be from a wealthy family and is posh and older. The age is represented because the man on the front is clearly old therefore encouraging older people to read it. The colour of the magazine is also in black and white, therefore appealing to old people as they would usually like things in black and white. 

Monday 30th October 2023

Do Now:

1) Shot type is different types of shots used in a video/picture

L/O - To explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representation 

Codes & conventionsMedia codes generally have an agreed meaning, or connotation, to their audience. There are three types of media codes, symbolic codes, technical codes and written codes. Conventions are expected ways in which codes are organised in a product.

Genre codes & conventionsDifferent media texts have codes and conventions that define their genre and set up audience expectations

Intertextuality - The relationship between texts

Layout - The way in which pictures and text are set out in a page

Typography - The style and appearance of printed matter

Colour palette - A chosen set of colours to be used on a graphic

Images - Highlighting certain elements and playing down others 

Lexis - The level of language consisting of vocabulary as opposed to grammar or syntax. 

Connotations - The suggesting of a meaning of a word apart from the thing it explicitly names or describes.

Shot Type: 

The shot type is a medium long shot

Star Vehicle:

David Bowie

Colour Palette: 

The colour palette is mainly pastel colours like, pink, blue, purple. Feminine type colours.

Bands/Artists Mentioned

Bowie, Echo & the bunnymen, Wayne Kramer, OH Sees, Millie Jackson, John Coltrane, the beatles, the byrds. 

Masthead Style:

sans serif, uppercase, shadow, bold

Style of main cover line:

Uppercase, sans serif, bold, different colours

Style of Minor cover line:

Uppercase, sans serif, bold & black and white 


Uppercase, colour, serif


Pink + white, same as puff

Placement of Text:

Layout + text placement fit genre codes and conventions

Genre Codes:

The genre is hinted to be blues as the CD is about blues


Shot Type:

The shot type is a long shot

Colour Palette:

The colour palette is quite bland and a bit boring, dark suit, car.

Bands/Artists Mentioned:

Garret Saracho, Amy Cutier, Shapedmoise, AR Kane, Ahmed Abdullah, FM Einheit, Phill Niblock, Ale Hop

Style of Masthead:

The masthead is in a sans serif font 

Style of main cover line:

The main cover line is a name of an artist which can appeal to the target audience if they see a name of someone they recognise, in a sans serif font 

Minor cover line style:

The minor cover lines are also all names of popular/upcoming artists also in a sans serif font 


There are no freebies mentioned, but if there was one I would say potentially a CD

Text placement:

The text is placed beside and under the man

Genre Conventions:

The genre looks to be blues


Question 5:

I do not think that the media language is different because of the conventions. 

Monday 6th November 2023

Do Now:

1) Baby boomer - Person born after second world war 
2) Diversification - The process of varying products
3) Audience Address - How the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them
4) Discerning - Having or showing good judgement
5) House Style - A company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material

             Music Industry: Q5

L/O - To explore the exam style questions 
and practice exam technique for Q5 
focusing on media language and representation. 

Contexts - Gender roles, attitudes to sexuality, multiculturalism, celebrity culture, consumerism. 

The masthead of MOJO suggests that music is a powerful thing. It influences the hardcore music fans.

In contrast, although the masthead in the wire is the same colour, it is still different as it has different words 'The wire' and 'MOJO' are very different and could perhaps tell us what genre of magazine it could be. 

Monday 13th November 2023

Do Now:  3/5

1) bbc owns radio 1 ✅
2) TV License funds the BBC
3) ofcom regulates radio ✅
4) Public service broadcasting - for the benefit of the public ✅
5) Commercial & PSB - 2 types of radio

Commercial - Make money - Adverts.

L/O - To research the case study. 
Annotate in detail the examples from 
the case study.


Olivia Dean

Episode Date:

24th October - Live Lounge Month

Song (Original & Cover):

Dive - Olivias song
Covers song by Beyonce - Cuff it, tells us she is talented as she is covering a well known artist, attracts a wider audience


Guest info - Worked with Rudimental before, her first solo number on the live lounge
Quotes - 'Man' 'Not my first rodeo' 'collab' 'I mean like' - Keep it informal

Appeal to TA:

Via the chat and the younger artists and the younger presenters, keep it informal and fun



Entertaining through live music, live band with her, standing ovation for her performance.


Innovative & cutting edge New UK Artist:

New music for Jungle in-between UK band

Who does it appeal too?

Radio 1 appeals to the target audience of 15-29 year olds, and they do this very successfully 

How does it appeal?

The presenters in Radio 1 use slang to appeal to their target audience, because their target audience is a quite young age range they will tend to use more slang than the older generation, such as 30 years old and up. 

Which kind of audience are targeted here?

The audience targeted here are probably 15 and over, because young people may not know who Beyonce is.

How else do radio 1 appeal to audiences?

The presenters make sure to keep their chat informal and fun, although they may be over the target audience age they still make an effort to keep it funny and informal.

How is commercial radio different?

Commercial radio makes money off of adverts and has to pay their own way for there ads, where as PSB is payed for by the TV License 

Who are their audience?

The commercial audience is a mass audience

How do they appeal to their audience?

They play chart music, play music from American stars, they push whoever is popular. 

How does the LL meet the remit?

The Live Lounge entertain the age range through entertainment, it introduces emerging artists such as, Olivia Dean and a few more. They perform the live lounge once a week. Olivia is an emerging artist and she is from the UK, she also covered a popular song from a popular artist. The live lounge tend to cover artists that are upcoming from the UK so Olivia fits that remit perfectly. 

Can you give examples?

Monday 20th November 2023

Do Now:

1) Genre Codes -  The codes of different genres  
2) Intertextuality - Reference to another media text e.g batman.
3) Typography - How the font looks, style e.g font - sans serif.
4) Connotations - Meaning 
5) Lexis - The words
6) Contextual issues in magazines today - More gender equality, multicultural society, technological, internet, consumers, celebrity

Music Industry Q5

L/O - To explore the exam style question 
for Music Magazine & Music Video

1) Mid Shot

2) Female, young, revealing clothing, direct audience address in image

3) yellow denotation, warm saturated colours, golden, idea of suspected wealth

4) Shakira, 

5) Sans Serif, modern theme, lower case, clean, colloquial, relaxed, informal

6) Simplified, relaxed, fits in with masthead, informal

1) The Beatles, Male, fairly young in this image, covered, medium long shot, 4 men, no direct address, performance, focus on live/good music, lack of sexualisation of men, 

2) The Beatles

3) Saturated bright, physcadelic, reflects 1960s, sans serif, modern, clean, white, uppercase - shouting about music, script about music magazine 'kinda shows a sophisticated interesting music'. 

Layout - Cluttered rather than simplified. 

Question 5:

Both magazines are using a mid shot in there magazines, showing that they have similar properties of each other. Both magazines also use warm saturated colours instead of muted dull colours like other magazines, showing that both of these magazines are bright and happy. Both magazines have a sans serif font for their masthead, to keep it nice and simple. However, the MOJO magazine's masthead is in capital letters rather than the billboard one which is simple and calm and in lowercase. MOJO may have their masthead in capital letters, to shout at people about music and how good it is, but billboards one is nice and calm. 

The MOJO magazine is more based on the 60s whereas the billboard one is more of a modern type of magazine and reflects that with its golden, bright colours. The MOJO magazines image was taken of the Beatles in 1960's/1970's. The billboard magazine is simple with not much information, so readers are not too overwhelmed when looking at the magazine. On the other hand, the MOJO Magazine is cluttered with a lot of information on the front cover, overwhelming the readers with a lot of information.

On the billboard magazine Shakira who is on the front cover is lacking in clothes, and being very revealing with her outfit. Her magazine looks as if it is staged whereas, the MOJO magazine, the beatles on the front cover are very covered up, wearing 1960's style clothes and the magazine image looks as if it was taken at a performance live.

In conclusion, both magazines are very different, however, are also still similar in some ways.  

Music Videos:

Teenage Dirtbag:

Popular jocks - respected, happy, 
Popular girl - doesn't like how jocks bully geeks
Loser boy has a crush on popular girl
American high school
Jock jackets
Geeks - Not respected, bullied, victims, sad

Sk8er Boi:

Rebellious - negative, promoting, seemed as fun
Girl leads rebellion - gender stereotypes
City setting

Media Language:

Costume, Props, Setting, camera shots, facial expressions, editing - natural, sound - singing, narrative, lighting, Muted - Teenage Dirtbag

Monday 22nd January 2024

Do Now:

1) Conglomerate 

November 2023 PPE

Question 2:

Radio 1, live lounge target their audience of 15 - 29 year olds by using upcoming artists on their radio station. They allow their audience to get into new artists and new music and exciting things. 

Question 3:

- Urban City
- Alternative Culture
- Unrequited Love
- Teenage Alienation

Question 4:

Representation - How someone or something is presented to be like

- Age
- Gender
- Music
- Ethnicity

The age representation is vastly different in each magazine, in the gramophone there is a young lady who looks relaxed and formal, whereas in the MOJO Magazine there is a man who is also slightly young and he looks more serious and less relaxed. 

Question 5:

- Need a conclusion

Media Language used is very different. Which creates different messages. The typography in each magazine is different...

Media Language used is very different. Which creates different messages. The main image is different...

Media Language used is very different. Which creates different messages. The body language of each person in the image is different...


  1. 17/4- Great work today, remember to complete the last sentence on the plenary.

  2. 5/6- Some good notes today, T: 1. Pick out key examples of media language to analyse and link to audience appeal.

  3. 1: Great notes from the tasks, T: Q2- try to give two e.g. that are explained to get full marks in the music video Q.

  4. 10/10- Good start on representations. T: 2.Give examples from the text using media language terminology.


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