Magazine Front Covers:

 Wednesday 27th April 2022        Magazine front covers:

L/O - To identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions.

Masthead - It is used on the front cover as a massive title behind the main image, its used to attract people. The masthead is usually big and colourful ✅

Dateline - The dateline is a phrase at the beginning of a newspaper or magazine article that gives the date and place of its origin. ✅

Main image - The main image is the large image in the front of the magazine its usually a famous person that everybody knows to attract them to the cover and see what happened. ✅

Cover line - A cover line is a headline on the front of a magazine advertising a story or a feature inside. ✅

Main cover line - The main cover line describes what you will be reading its like a mini title also used to stand out. ✅

Bar code/ price - A barcode is usually found near the bottom left on the back of a magazine its quite small so it doesn't ruin the image. ✅

Tagline/Strap line - A tagline/strap line is a subheading on a magazine, newspaper or any article advertisement. ✅

Pull Quote - Pull quotes are made up of text that is pulled from the text—that is, duplicated and presented on the page as an attention-grabbing visual element. ✅


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